Director of An-Najah’s Quality Assurance Unit participates in the Fifth International IEOM conference in Dubai.
Dr. Ayham Jaaron, Director of Quality Assurance Unit at An-Najah University, participated in the Fifth International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) held in Dubai, UAE, from March 03rd-March 05th 2015.
The IEOM International Conference has been organized by the IEOM Society. The conference aimed at providing a forum for academics, researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and recent developments in the field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. The conference is also aimed at fostering networking, collaboration and joint effort among the conference participants to advance the theory and practice as well as to identify major trends in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. The conference was presented through seven outstanding keynote speakers, more than 500 technical presentations, global engineering education speakers, distinguished industry solutions speakers, operational excellence speakers, poster sessions, student paper competition, senior design poster competition, exhibitors, panel sessions, networking with more than 500 people from more than 70 counties for professional growth, tours and many more.
Dr. Ayham Jaaron presented a paper co-authored with Professor Chris Backhouse of Loughborough University in the UK. The paper, entitled “Building Self-Organizing Logistics Systems: Prospects for reverse logistics,” which proposed the use of the Vanguard Method approach for logistics services design that can reduce reverse logistics caused by forward logistics inefficiencies. The value of the paper was the incorporation of forward logistics systems design with reduced reverse logistics in a manufacturing setting by transferring the customer knowledge across the boundaries of the firm throughout the supply chain to enhance logistics function.
Dr. Jaaron’s success at the conference was also represented by being invited by the organizing committee of the conference to be one of the “Distinguished Industry Solutions” Speakers to deliver a presentation about developing innovative quality assurance tools in Higher Education Institutions. Thirty six featured speakers from various parts of the world were chosen to address industrial challenges and opportunities for continuous improvement and sustainability and to provide their experiences and journeys to be successful.
Dr. Jaaron was also chosen by the conference committee to perform as an evaluator for the “Senior Design Poster Competition” where more than 20 posters were evaluated for the conference award. This conference represented a step forward on previous extensive collaboration with researchers in the IEOM field. The conference, organized by the Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society, is considered one of the most significant events organized yearly to discuss Industrial Engineering related research issues.